NSS Sp. z o.o.

NSS Spółka z o.o. is the Polish maritime industrial company founded and owned by Olsen Gruppen AS.

Since 2007 NSS have been executing enterprise contracts for Norwegian shipyards, between others : Bergen Group BMV, Nymo AS, Havyard Leirvik AS.

Since 2009 NSS have been developing production in Poland with the main focus on lengthening, repairs and conversion of the vessels, fabrication of marine cranes and offshore structures.

Since 2011 NSS has entered into new building market.

NSS has welding procedures certified by DNV in accordance with OS C-401 standard.

NSS has also welding procedures certified by Polish Register of Shipping.

about us

HSE Health, Safety and Environment

We commit ourselves to continously improving our HSE standards by ensuring that regulations as well as our internal standards are complied with. HSE is a management responsibility in Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies.

Every single employee who works for Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies or in affiliated companies is responsible for their own safety as well as one's colleagues' safety. All employees shall include the HSE-values in their daily work routines, in order to achieve increased safety in the future.

Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies will:

  • Comply with all rules and regulations set for HSE that affects our activies.
  • Educate all employees and new recruits with regard to HSE
  • Ensure that management actively and continuously considers the efficiency of the HSE policies.
  • Implement HSE audits to ensure that the activities are in accordance to the company's HSE policy.

QA Quality Assurance

Quality improvement and quality control is one of the corporate management's primary tasks and a principal factor in Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies's business concept.

The quality objective shall be reached by making use of the quality assurance system as a guiding tool to ensure that the correct quality is planned, achieved, maintained and documented for all activities within the organisation.

Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies achieves this by:

  • Ensuring that implementation and follow-up of the quality assurance system is a lmanagement responsibility.
  • Ensuring that the quality control is decentralized and functions on all levels within the organisation, with support from the quality Manager.
  • Createing correct and adequate expectations, in order for the work to be done right the first time around.
  • Ensuring that the correct specifications, codes, standards, rules and regulations, are met.
  • Ensuring that all employees at all levels are qualified for the work they doand making sure that the stipulated quality achieved.
  • Executing revisions according to the plan approved by the CEO.
  • Ensuring that the quality assurance system meets the relevant demands set by NS-ISO 9000 and Environment standard 14001
  • Ensuring that the Norwegian Shipbuilding Supplies topmost leadership commits themselves to further develop the quality control system.


Production hall

NSS production hall plus 100 m long repair quay with shore cranes in Szczecin.

Poduction hall capacity :

  • the gate to the hall is 14.5 meters wide
  • The assembly grid for the production of units in the hall has dimensions of 14 m x 24 m
  • additional prefabrication area in the hall has dimensions of 14 m x26 m
  • overhead crane in the hall with a lifting capacity of 22 tons
  • the overhead crane goes outside the hall, making an area for semi-finished products, the dimensions of the area in front of the hall with a lifting capacity of 22 tons, 16 m x 40 m

We have 100 m long quay with two shore cranes with a lifting capacity 25 tons each. Additional on the quay, assembly grid made of steel profiles 6.5 m x 17 m

Repair quays

Nss Has 100 m long quay with two shore cranes with a lifting capacity 25 tons each. Additional on the quay, assembly grid made of steel profiles 6.5 m x 17 m

Floating docks

Launching of the steel hulls and vessels by overhead crane with lifting capacity up to 400 T

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